Lineup of Tennis and Basketball Balls with Sample Text

Lineup of Tennis and Basketball Balls with Sample Text

Great vector illustration for sports themes. It shows a line up with depth perspective of green tennis balls with white details, including one orange basketball ball with black lines, all with shiny effect on a white background that adds sample text on top of the page, with bold grown font for a header and small, light brown letters for the rest of the sample. Perfect for advertising, promotional flyers, banners and posters, etc. Get it for free in .EPS format and use it however you want!

activity background ball basketball circular competition competitive creative editable element enjoyment entertainment equipme exercise fast graphic isolated leather match modern recreational round rubber shape speed spherical sporting symbol team texture
Pr 048 - TRI - 15_10_10 - 014.jpgDownload JPG-format
Pr 048 - TRI - 15_10_10 - 014.epsDownload EPS-format

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