Red Stage Curtain Frame

Red Stage Curtain Frame

Awesome vector illustration of a typical stage curtain drawn in red with multiple folds and golden holders on each side. Curtain covers both sides and top of the page, framing a white background that is waiting to be personalised with your graphics, your copy, etc. Download it for free in .EPS for easy editing, and use it in anything from websites and adverts to posters and decoration!

act acting art audience auditorium back_drop_ background blank cinema classic cloth concert curtain decoration drama dramatic drapery drapes editable elegance entertainment entrance event fabric film illustration isolated luxury movie opera perform vector

Pr 050 - TRI - 18_10_10 - 013.jpgDownload JPG-format
Pr 050 - TRI - 18_10_10 - 013.epsDownload EPS-format

License: This free vector file is exlusively available on and is distributed under our Standard License

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