Green Glowing Lightbulb with Power Text Inside

Green Glowing Lightbulb with Power Text Inside

Awesome vector graphic design with abstract power and energy theme. With a black background, it displays a neon green lightbulb with glowing effect, with the word "power" inside attached to the lamp's filaments. A visually attractive design that can be used for various topics and comes in easy editable .EPS format for your convenience.

background bright brightly bulb concept creative creativity electric electrical electricity energy equipment filament glass glow glowing idea illuminated illumination illustration image imagination invent invention isolated lamp light lightbulb message ob
Pr 061 - TRI - 30_10_10 - 041.jpgDownload JPG-format
Pr 061 - TRI - 30_10_10 - 041.epsDownload EPS-format

License: This free vector file is exlusively available on and is distributed under our Standard License

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