100% Satisfaction Guarantee Badge

100% Satisfaction Guarantee Badge

Useful vector illustration for business themes. This design is of a pointy borders golden badge with black inner circle, including the words "Satisfaction 100% Guarantee" inside, in white and gold fonts. All with glossy effect and isolated on white, this badge is a good complement for adverts, product pages, banners, flyers, and more. Download it for free in easy editable .EPS format for your convenience!

100 agreement approval assurance background badge banner business buyer certificate commitment consumer contract decoration emblem golden guarantee hundred icon illustration improvement insignia insurance label medal percent promise promotion promotional

Pr 041 - TRI - 07_09_10 - 003.jpgDownload JPG-format
Pr 041 - TRI - 07_09_10 - 003.epsDownload EPS-format

License: This free vector file is exlusively available on VectorJunky.com and is distributed under our Standard License

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